Monday, July 13, 2009


This project allows people to make their giving personal. It "puts the faces" on the people you help. Every person helped through this program is given a short note from you, your donation, and (if you choose) a picture of you, too, so that the Iraqi refugee YOU help gets to know YOU, too.

You, in return, receive a picture of the person/family that YOU HELPED, along with the actual words of thanks that your generosity elicits.

I remember how wonderful it was, as a child, to 'get' a letter from my pen pals who lived in far-away places. This program reminds me of that time, and makes me smile. When I was in high school, I made a song for a film my teacher made, a film about helping the kids in the Special Educaton program. Something about this Heart to Heart Program of the Collateral Repair Project struck a familiar chord in me, and an old, old memory rises up now, like bread, to the top of my mind:

"...Helping hands reach out to touch their lives.

They, in turn, reach out to touch our lives.

Sharing is the secret in this very special world,

Where giving is the answer and loving is the rule....."

Now, the whole world is a special education class, and millions and millions of refugees live out the nightmares that Men have dreamed into reality. Let your hands reach out to help one other person. They will then have the heart to reach out and touch you back, and then, hopefully, to touch others. In trust, encouragement, and solidarity with the teeming masses of people in need.

I urge you to click on the link below, for information and givings of any amount of money. Together, we are making the difference between despair and renewed hope and trust in life. I thank you. The CRP thanks you. The refugees thank you.


Posted by Annie Tanner - CRP volunteer, Amman